
Being home is lovely

Life at home has been amazing! These past few months have been a huge blessing. There are so many updates, but ill try to keep them short and positive. Even though Frida is still connected to an oxygen machine she has been improving every day. She is finally in the clear and her heart function is where it should be. Frida Sofia sits for a long period of time and dislikes laying down. This is mostly because I can almost assure you that she has FOMO (fear of missing out). She is in the stage where she doesn't want to miss a thing. We skipped baby food completely and went straight into table foods. Y'all she would not want anything in puree form. I started with veggies and went into fruits. Nothing! she would tighten her lips. One day we tried beans while eating breakfast just to see what she would do. She liked it! A true bean lol We have been trying a little bit of everything. So far she loves soup with rice, potato, and carrots. She still likes beans and homemade tortilla...

First time meeting Santa Claus

I know what you are thinking "Why is he blue?" This is Santa Claus from the Houston Police Department. She LOVED it!! She did not cry, she was not scared, she even had a face of why is he leaving when he had to go. She is even currently in love with the movie "The Star" on Netflix which is about the night Jesus was born. We have a Christmas lover on our hands! She also prefers Christmas tissue paper over her pacifier some days. She was 5 days post op from open heart surgery and looking amazing. Maybe 3rd times the charm and recovers faster. I'm kidding. She really needed this surgery and instantly as she was recovering I could see her color changed. She was pinker! She wasn't as pale or lacy skin when she gets cold. Her breathing and chest contractions looked so much better. She looked so relaxed; you could just tell that her body didn't have to work as hard to pump blood to her body or lungs. It is truly amazing!! Surgery was very long! Maybe abou...

Antibiotic Treatment

It has been 6 long weeks of antibiotic treatment. During these 6 weeks Frida was on oxygen, some days where better than others. There were some scary days where she would turn purple. Truth is she really needed her next surgery, but with the risk of the bacteria in her blood doctors did not want to risk anything. I know what you are thinking, shes turning purple just do the surgery. The problem with doing any procedure with this bacteria in her blood, it is at risk for her heart to get infected. Truth is shes has had a lot of repairs, iv lines, picc lines, and procedures done. She is a high risk patient; doctors have to cover all their tracks and be as safe as possible. Don't think she is just waiting and waiting even though that's what it seemed for the most part. If need be she would have emergency open heart surgery before her antibiotic treatment was completed. We didn't waste time waiting. Frida Sofia had occupational therapy and physical therapy often throughout t...

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from Frida Kahlo! I just had to, I couldn't help myself. The name fits, the personality fits, and honestly she just looks so cute! Everyone at the hospital were looking forward to this day because of what I had planned. People to this day still ask to see pictures. You are truly loved here my sweet strong heart warrior. I truly hope that when you are a teenager you don't hate me for showing you off so much.

Medical Center

Half our home. Truth is it is time to admit and accept that the hospital is our second home. I am still optimistic that once all 3 surgeries we will only come for check ups and nothing more. We were scheduled to come in Oct. 17 for a catheter. Frida likes to come ahead of schedule or else its God's way of making sure our little one stays alive. We came in the ER this past Sunday and it is time for her next open heart surgery. They scheduled her catheter sooner and said her OHS (open heart surgery) would follow right after.. Frida would need to just recover and then after recovery of OHS we could come home. we would be here 3 weeks or at most a month. Well that's not the plan anymore. These past few days were really really hard. Frida has a bacteria that entered her blood which now she has an infection. Doctors have searched everywhere or tried their best. You will understand in a little. Background info/summary; Frida got 3 blood cultures positive for infection. So that...

Time after time

It has been a while since I have updated yall. This will be told from my perspective rather that Frida Sofia's. I don't want to jinks it but it has been amazing to finally be home for this long. We do have weekly cardiology and gastroenterologist to check her heart and weight gain, but we are home. Frida gave everyone in Children's Memorial Hermann a big scare with her heart function. They really do not want to take any chances. Updates in July: After Frida was released from Children's Memorial Hermann Eduardo and I were so excited. She went home with 8 medications which wasn't ideal , but she was home. I am so glad she has a g-tube because just imagine trying to give an infant so many medications. The night we got home I started to have really bad back pains. They progressed through out the week. I took pain meds, went to an emergency clinic, and finally the ER. We honestly cant catch a break. I was in the hospital for 4 days. The longest 4 da...

2 weeks 2 short

So I am back in PICU... I was home for exactly 2 weeks. My oxygen levels were low and mommy and daddy brought me in just to be sure everything was ok. By the time we got here my numbers went back up, I didn't want to be back. Well lets just say I cried a lot when they took my temperature, blood pressure, echo, etc. I thought I would be able to scare them off but it didn't work. They finally took me from the ER to the 9th floor. I started to see familiar faces. Once I got to PICU everyone was saying my name with joy. Well they said they were happy to see me but not this soon. They all took care of me and treated me like a princess so mommy and daddy could finally get some rest. The next morning was when I realized that a 24 hour observation might turn into more time. I'll be ok as long as I have my blankets, my elephant, my boppy, mommys milk, and my green paci.