Big Day!

Today is the day everyone has been waiting for. This surgery has been getting postponed for one reason or another. Truth is I wasn't ready and the doctors wanted to fatten me up. I wonder if they have a way to lose some of these cheeks of mine. They are HUGE! People are just going to want to pinch them and say how cute I am. Enough about that. My surgery lasted about 7 hours. There were no complications. The doctors just wanted to take their time and do everything as accurate as possible. As soon as I came back to my room everyone that is a part of my case saw the improvement instantly. My breathing has slowed down significantly to breathe how you breathe. I do not look like i just finished running a marathon, who am I kidding I wouldn't run a marathon at my age but you know what I mean.  I am in a bit of pain, but with medications and the excellent care from the nurses I'm sure ill feel better in no time. Especially with the nurse I had over night, she is the sweetest. I told mom I want to throw a party to celebrate, but she says not to go crazy.
